Kim Kardashian’s Sunglasses Collaboration

On her latest collaboration in her ever-increasing list of collaborations, Kardashian West hasn’t just lent her name alone o the collection, she also played a key role in the design process of the sunglasses, and her efforts will see her entitled to royalties from the brand. “She invested herself in every detail and design. She didn’t want the eyewear to be what was already in the market,” said Mordi Shabat, the U.S. CEO of the Israel-based bran.
“I’m always on the lookout for vintage sunglasses that is rare, unknown, and not owned by anyone, so having the chance to make something persons will adore and cherish, just the way I do, is incredibly fun, Kardashian West said. “The entire process has been a learning curve for me, and I am truly thrilled with the technical aspects and firsthand experience I have obtained.”
The entire collection is made up of six styles ranging from sporty to sleek, retro oval and minimal, and even oversized shields. The collection has a “Carolina Lemke Kim Kardashian West Collection” logo on it. The collection is available for pre-order as from March 19, at the official website of Carolina Lemke, and it goes for $90. Set your reminders; you wouldn’t want to miss this.

Brittany Nims is a freelance staff writer at FashionPeriscope. Her work has appeared on the Huffington Post, among others. She spends most of her weekends in search of strong coffee and stronger Wi-Fi.